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#67752 - After we all ate our lunches, Jean and I left for our office to begin talking about several ideas and plans that I had in mind. I suggested that she should immediately begin to find someone to take her place. One lady stood and reminded everyone that we had gone away to be married and offered a toast to Jean and me.

Read Pelada Youmu no Naisho! - Youmu's Secret - Touhou project Gaydudes Youmu no Naisho! - Youmu's Secret

Most commented on Pelada Youmu no Naisho! - Youmu's Secret - Touhou project Gaydudes

Kukuru anrakutei
Will have to do that to my dumb blonde white chick and have her obey
Ichiro komaba
Meet will do the same
Hassan of serenity
I like her hair color
Ria hagry
Yay thank you